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Open MON - FRI From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Osseous Surgery

Osseous Surgery: Restoring Oral Health and Enhancing Smiles

When it comes to taking care of your teeth, there’s this thing called osseous surgery that can be super helpful. Basically, it targets the bones that support your teeth and can help treat periodontal diseases that might cause you to lose a tooth. It’s pretty amazing because it can actually repair damaged bones and help your gums grow back, giving you a healthier mouth and a better smile. So, let’s dive in and learn more about osseous surgery, including what it’s all about, how it’s done, what recovery is like, and why it’s such a great option.

Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery is a dental procedure that can help treat advanced periodontal disease. This disease happens when bacteria infect the gum tissue, causing inflammation, gum recession, and even bone loss around your teeth. It can eventually lead to tooth loss if not treated properly. Further, Gum disease causes the loss of bone and tissue that hold your teeth in place. It can cause serious problems for your teeth and gums if not addressed. It can also have far-reaching consequences for your health, raising your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke.

Osseous surgery is performed to eliminate plaque and bacteria hiding places in the gums and bones that support your teeth. Besides, it removes the infection, cleans the root surfaces, and restores the damaged bone and gum tissue.

Types of Osseous Surgery

Osseous surgery can be divided into two categories:

1.    Traditional surgery:

Your periodontist will cut into your gums and teeth to access the tooth roots. Then, they will sculpt the jawbone near your teeth and stitch you back up to eliminate any deep pockets that could harbor harmful bacteria.

2.    Laser surgery:

With this cutting-edge technique, harmful germs around your teeth are eliminated by laser energy while good tissue is spared. This method does not involve cutting or stitching, but the outcomes are not guaranteed to be positive.

Consult your doctor about the most appropriate course of action for your condition.

How do I best ready myself for osseous surgery?

In order to get ready for osseous surgery in the best way possible, you should consult with your periodontist. Unless instructed otherwise by your periodontist, you should continue taking all prescribed drugs. In addition, you might have to:


  1. Medications that thin the blood (anticoagulants) should be stopped. (Your doctor will advise you on when to stop using them.)
  2. You should eat well before the procedure so that you don’t feel tender afterward.
  3. If you decide to go with sedation dentistry, make sure to bring a responsible adult with you to the appointment. If you choose to have your surgery done with either local anesthetic or laughing gas (nitrous oxide), you won’t need a ride home.
  4. Stay away from cigarettes and alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before (and after) your surgery.


The Osseous Surgery Procedure

Osseous surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia. It ensures the patient’s comfort throughout the procedure. After numbing the area, the dentist or periodontist will create a small incision in the gum tissue near the affected tooth or teeth. This incision allows them to access the underlying bone and root surfaces.

Once the roots are exposed, the dental professional will meticulously clean the tooth surfaces, removing plaque, tartar, and any infected tissue. If necessary, the dentist will also reshape the ‘bone to eliminate irregularities and create a smooth, healthy foundation for the gum tissue to reattach.

How successful is osseous surgery?

In cases where bone loss has occurred, the dental hygienist may use bone grafts or synthetic materials to promote bone regeneration. These grafts act as platforms for new bone growth. Besides, it helps restore the affected teeth’ stability and support.

After the procedure is complete, the gum tissue is sutured back into place, allowing for proper healing. The dentist or periodontist may prescribe antibiotics and pain medications to prevent infection and manage discomfort during recovery.

In what ways does osseous surgery help patients?

Cosmetically, osseous surgery can:

  • Kill or reduce bad oral microorganisms.
  • Minimize the depth of the gum pockets around each tooth.
  • Get your oral health in order.
  • Prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking back to your tooth enamel.
  • Eliminate the relationship between gum disease and cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other serious health problems.

How successful is osseous surgery?

Treatment of gum disease with osseous surgery has a high success rate. In order to keep your teeth and gums in good health after osseous surgery, you must practice regular, thorough oral hygiene. That means going to the dentist twice a year for cleanings and brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day.


What is the risk of osseous surgery?

Like any other type of surgery, surgery has its dangers.

  • Extreme loss of blood.
  • Sensitivity in the teeth.
  • Root canal
  • Loss of gum tissue.

The best way to handle these issues is to follow the advice of your periodontist. However, surgery typically has more positive effects than negative ones.

How long does it take to recover after osseous surgery?

The length of time it takes to recover from osseous surgery varies on various factors, such as the number of teeth operated on, the severity of your ailment, and your body’s natural ability to heal. However, there is a two- to four-week window for full recovery.

Side Effects of Osseous Surgery

Common complications following surgery include:

  • Soreness
  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

These side effects are normal and should go away in a few days. Symptoms are common and usually fade within a few days. Periodontist if the discomfort or other adverse effects persist.

Osseous surgery aftercare considerations

  • It is possible to reduce discomfort and speed up recovery with these measures:
  • Follow the prescribed dosage and frequency of all drugs.
  • Keep the surgery area clean by using an antimicrobial mouthwash.
  • For the next week, try to go without using a straw.
  • Comfort foods such as mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and macaroni and cheese are recommended.


After osseous surgery, does gum tissue regenerate?

Surgery does not result in the regenerative gum tissue. Therefore, if gum tissue has been lost due to periodontal disease, gum graft surgery is the only option for restoration. Gum recession can be treated by this method, which adds thickness and volume to the affected areas.

However, a gum graft is not necessary after this treatment. However, this technique might assist in restoring dental health if gum recession has exposed the tooth roots.


Surgery is valuable in combating advanced periodontal disease and restoring oral health. If you’re struggling with advanced periodontal disease, it’s important to seek help from a dental professional to determine if osseous surgery is the right option for you. This surgery can repair damaged bone, regenerate gum tissue, and prevent tooth loss, all of which can lead to a healthier, happier smile. Remember, investing in your oral health today can make a significant difference in your confidence and overall well-being.

Call us today to book your appointment with the best dentist in Arlington, Va, if you’re considering osseous surgery to restore your smile.